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hell and back

hell and back
0:00 / 2:14

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hell and back

Verse 1 (21 bars): I've walked through fire, skin scorched and scarred Descended into darkness, my soul charred By demons of my own making, I've sparred With shadows and nightmares, I've jarred The gates of hell itself, I've marred My innocence, my spirit barred From light and hope, I've tarred My own path with mistakes, I've starred In my own tragedy, I've scarred My heart with choices, I've jarred Loose all I held dear, I've sparred With fate and lost, I've charred The bridges behind me, I've marred All that was pure, I've tarred My name with shame, I've starred In a fall from grace, I've scarred My future with my past, I've jarred Awake in hell's embrace, I've sparred With my conscience and lost, I've charred My very essence, I've marred My soul beyond recognition, to hell I've starred Chorus (10 bars): To hell and back, I've made the trip Danced with the devil, felt his grip Burned in the flames, felt my soul rip To hell and back, a round-trip I've seen the worst, felt my mind slip Into the abyss, took a long sip Of misery, watched my life flip To hell and back, I've made the trip But I'm still here, I've got grit From hell and back, I won't quit Verse 2 (21 bars): The climb back up, it's steep and long Every step a battle, I'm not strong But I'm stubborn, I belong Above this pit, I'll prove them wrong Those who said I'd never long For redemption, I'll sing a song Of survival, I'll right the wrong I've done, I'll fight the throng Of doubts and fears, I'll prolong My struggle if I must, I'm strong Enough to face this, I belong In the light again, I'll long For peace and find it, I'm strong In ways I never knew, I belong To myself again, I'll prolong This fight for as long as it takes, strong In my resolve, I know I belong Here, alive and fighting, I'll prolong My journey back, I am strong Enough to make it, I belong Here, climbing back from hell, I'm strong (Repeat Chorus)   Verse 3 (21 bars): Each day's a battle, but I'm winning more Small victories add up, I'm keeping score Against the darkness, I'm evening the score Demons still whisper, but I ignore Their siren songs, I'm closing the door On past mistakes, I'm rebuilding my core Strength returning, I'm not as sore From the fall, I'm learning to soar Again, wings mended, I explore New heights of recovery, I implore Myself to keep going, I'm restoring What was lost, slowly outpouring The poison of despair, I'm scoring Points against my past, I'm flooring My own expectations, I'm roaring Back to life, no longer boring A hole in my soul, I'm storing Up hope for tomorrow, I'm outpouring Love to myself, I'm restoring My faith in life, I'm scoring A comeback for the ages, from hell I'm soaring (Repeat Chorus) Verse 4 (21 bars): Looking back, the journey's clear Hell wasn't a place, but the fear Inside my mind, the pain so near It blinded me, but now I steer My own course, the lessons dear