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wicked thoughts

wicked thoughts
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wicked thoughts

Verse 1 (21 bars): In the shadows of my mind, they lurk Wicked thoughts, in darkness they work Tempting whispers, duties they shirk Morality fades, in corners they smirk Forbidden desires, around edges they irk Conscience screams, but still they mirk In recesses deep, their tendrils quirk Reality's edge, sanity they burk Taboo fantasies, in silence they lurk Guilt and shame, together they murk The waters of my soul, they irk My better nature, as they lurk In wait for weakness, they work Their poison slowly, they mirk My judgment, as they lurk In daylight's shadows, they work Their subtle magic, they irk My peace of mind, as they lurk Ever present, ever alert To opportunity, they work Tirelessly, these wicked thoughts that lurk Chorus (10 bars): Wicked thoughts, they come unbidden In my mind's dark corners, hidden Wicked thoughts, morals overridden By desires fierce, conscience chidden Wicked thoughts, in dreams they've ridden My subconscious, fears unhidden Wicked thoughts, are they forbidden Fruits of knowledge, or just midden Of my psyche? Am I guilt-ridden Or just human? Wicked thoughts, unbidden   Verse 2 (21 bars): From primal instincts they arise Evolutionary echoes, ancient cries Of survival, lust, and power's prize Society's constraints they despise Freud would have a field day, these ties To our baser nature, no disguise Can fully hide them, they comprise Part of our psyche, a surprise To our civilized selves, they rise From subconscious depths, terrorize Our waking minds, synthesize With fears and desires, they arise From trauma's ashes, crystallize Our darkest impulses, they guise Themselves as intrusive lies Or hidden truths, they arise From cultural taboos, disguise Our deepest needs, they comprise The shadow self, Jung's surmise Of our wholeness, they arise From the very essence of what comprises us (Repeat Chorus) Verse 3 (21 bars): Morality wages war in my head Against these thoughts I've always dreaded Desire and duty, deeply embedded In my psyche, heavily leaded With guilt, my conscience shredded By constant battle, I'm indebted To societal norms, but fettered By natural urges, unfettered Imagination runs wild, I'm wedded To ethical standards, but bedded By wicked thoughts, I'm threaded Through with conflict, shredded Between what I want and what's needed Morally right, I'm embedded In this struggle, leaded By responsibility, but threaded With rebellious spirit, wedded To the idea of freedom, shredded By the weight of choice, embedded In this human dilemma, leaded With the knowledge of good and evil, forever embedded (Repeat Chorus) Verse 4 (21 bars): Perhaps these thoughts don't define me They're just thoughts, they don't malign me They're part of being human, align me With the whole of mankind, design me To be complex, they refine me Through resistance, they entwine me With my deeper self, assign me The task of integration,