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colorful world: learning colors with fun

colorful world: learning colors with fun
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colorful world: learning colors with fun

"Red, red, what do we see? Apples and roses, bright as can be! Red is bold, it stands out so bright, Find it in stop signs and in sunlight!" "Yellow, yellow, shining like the sun, Bananas and lemons, oh what fun! Yellow is happy, like a big smile, It makes us feel warm all the while!" "Blue, blue, in the sky so high, Oceans and jeans, as blue as the sky! Blue is calm, like a peaceful stream, It’s in the water, in every dream!" "Colors, colors, all around, In the sky and on the ground! Red, yellow, blue, and more, Let’s find colors we adore!" "Green, green, in the trees and grass, Frogs and leaves, in every class! Green is fresh, like veggies we eat, It’s everywhere, in plants and wheat!" "Orange, orange, in the sunset glow, Carrots and pumpkins, watch them grow! Orange is bright, like a fire’s flame, It’s in the fruit that shares its name!" "Purple, purple, like a grape so sweet, Flowers and berries, what a treat! Purple is royal, like a king’s crown, It’s fun to spot it all around!" "Colors, colors, all around, In the sky and on the ground! Green, orange, purple too, So many colors just for you!" "Pink, pink, in the flowers that bloom, Cotton candy and a baby’s room! Pink is soft, like a gentle breeze, It’s in the blush on cheeks with ease!" "Brown, brown, in the chocolate we love, Bears and tree trunks, below and above! Brown is earthy, like the ground we walk, It’s in the coffee and in the bark!" "White, white, in the snow so pure, Clouds and milk, it makes us feel secure! White is bright, like the winter’s glow, It’s in the paper and in the snow!" "Black, black, like the night’s dark sky, Cats and shadows, passing by! Black is cool, like a midnight scene, It’s in the stars that softly gleam!" "Colors, colors, everywhere, In the clothes we wear and in the air! Pink, brown, white, and black, Let’s keep exploring, there’s no lack!"