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The Beach Heroes

The Beach Heroes
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The Beach Heroes

[Verse] Down on the shore where the waves crash loud, Folks toss their butts like they're mighty proud, Cigarette ends buried in the sand, But there's a team with a better plan. [Verse 2] Volunteers gather with gloves in hand, Walking the beach, taking a stand, Saving our seas from the careless ways, They give their time for brighter days. [Chorus] Oh, they're the beach heroes, cleaning up the shore, They fight for nature, so it can roar, Picking up the pieces that others leave behind, Saving the animals, one butt at a time. [Verse 3] Seagulls dive, but they choke and cry, Plastic bottles where they hoped to fly, Fishes caught in a deadly game, But here come the heroes, easing the pain. [Verse 4] Denmark's sands, where the sun glows bright, Turns into a haven when they do it right, Every piece they pick, a victory grand, For the ocean’s song and the cherished land. [Chorus] Oh, they're the beach heroes, cleaning up the shore, They fight for nature, so it can roar, Picking up the pieces that others leave behind, Saving the animals, one butt at a time.