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rebs man

rebs man
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rebs man

[Verse 1: The Transformation] In the cold Norwegian night, where the waters run deep, Lived Erik, an engineer with secrets to keep. A brilliant mind, working under the lights, But one tragic day, his fate took flight. A tech mishap, his body torn, Fused with the RIB, a new form was born. Now half-man, half-machine, his heart an engine’s beat, Shifting at will, his change complete. To those who see, there's nothing to detect, They think he’s just one with the RIB, nothing to suspect. [Chorus: REBS Man Rises] He’s REBS Man, born of the sea, With powers unknown, now destiny’s key. Strength of the ocean, speed of the tide, A hero is born, with no place to hide. REBS Man, the legend begins, To fight for the world, where the ocean spins. [Verse 2: Becoming REBS Man] Erik’s changed, more than he seems, With rib-like appendages and powers from dreams. On missions by sea, he blends right in, No one suspects, just sees a man within. But when evil arises, he’s quick to stand, A hero in disguise, protecting the land. REBS Man’s strength, in silence, he’ll roam, To fight for justice, and protect his home. [Bridge: The Final Battle] A storm is brewing, the threat is near, REBS Man must rise, conquer his fear. He battles the rogue, in the fiercest fight, And saves the day, disappearing into the night. [Chorus: REBS Man Triumphant] He’s REBS Man, born of the sea, With powers unknown, now destiny’s key. Strength of the ocean, speed of the tide, A hero stands tall, with no place to hide. REBS Man, the legend is true, The world is safe, all because of you. [Outro: The New Normal] Back to the shore, Erik returns, But in the waves, his spirit still burns. A man on a boat, but when duty calls, REBS Man rises, and darkness falls. For the ocean’s his home, the sea his domain, And when the world needs him, he’ll rise again. [End Credits: REBS Man Theme] (REBS Man! REBS Man!) A force of nature, with the ocean as his guide. (REBS Man! REBS Man!) Where the sea meets the sky, you’ll find him there, A legend of the deep, with a hero’s flair.