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Shadows on the Porch

Shadows on the Porch
0:00 / 3:14

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Shadows on the Porch

[Verse] The porch light flickers on, as dusk begins to fade, Old men in rocking chairs, watch the twilight parade, They share their tired stories, from their good ol' days, I sit here in the shadows, lost in life's maze. [Verse 2] I see the wrinkles deepen, on faces turned to grey, Time has slipped between us, stole the years away, Each laugh line tells a secret, each frown a heavy cost, I can't help but wonder, what have I lost? [Chorus] As the years keep rolling, and the seasons pass on by, I watch the world grow older, under an open sky, I wonder what I've missed, in the dreams I never chased, Feeling like a phantom, in a world where I'm misplaced. [Verse 3] The oak tree in the front yard, stood tall when I was young, Now it's branches whisper, songs unsung, The children play and scatter, like leaves in the breeze, My heart feels a hunger, that no one sees. [Verse 4] Neighbor's dog is barking, at the ghosts of our past, Time's a wicked painter, oh, it moves so fast, They've built their homes and futures on foundations strong, I'm still drifting aimless, singing this lonesome song. [Chorus] As the years keep rolling, and the seasons pass on by, I watch the world grow older, under an open sky, I wonder what I've missed, in the dreams I never chased, Feeling like a phantom, in a world where I'm misplaced.