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Wild Dog Named Blue

Wild Dog Named Blue
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Wild Dog Named Blue

[Verse] Out in the fields where the tall grasses grew, Lived a wild dog with eyes so true, Named him Blue, for his coat was rare, Always ran free, without a care. [Verse 2] Mornings he'd howl at the break of dawn, By nightfall, he'd be long gone, Chasing shadows through the pine, With every bound, he felt just fine. [Chorus] Oh, Wild Dog Named Blue, Running free, just like he knew, Living wild, and loyal too, Oh, Wild Dog Named Blue. [Verse 3] Came a storm, harsh and strong, Blue stood firm; he belonged, To the wind, to the rain, Nothing wild could be tamed. [Verse 4] Neighbors whispered 'bout his ways, But Blue, he never stayed, Rooted deep in nature's grace, Every trail he'd fiercely trace. [Chorus] Oh, Wild Dog Named Blue, Running free, just like he knew, Living wild, and loyal too, Oh, Wild Dog Named Blue.