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**Title: "Free Streets"** *(Verse 1)* Hit the pavement, eyes wide, scene's serene, Faces in the crowd, we're all walking free, But why's there tension, why the strife? We're not in chains, we're just living life, Why give in to anger, to the fight? We're after peace, in the broad daylight. *(Pre-Chorus)* We're not your soldiers, we're not your game, So why the war? Why the blame? *(Chorus)* Stop the war, ignite the change, We're done with your confusion, we're not deranged, We chose leaders, not destroyers, So stop, before our peace flag lowers. *(Verse 2)* Politicians, hear us loud and clear, We didn't ask for fear, we're not here to steer, Through your battles, through your scars, We're the stars, shining past your wars, We're the pulse, the beat, the vibe, We're the ones who'll keep this world alive. *(Bridge)* From the ground to the sky, we're one, Under the sun, why pick up the gun? We're the creators, the light in the dark, Not just pawns in your endless stark. *(Chorus)* Stop the war, start the revolution, We need answers, not more confusion, We elected you for a world that's bright, So stop, before you dim our light. *(Outro)* We walk free, let's keep it that way, No more wars, let's start today, We're the stars, in this vast expanse, Let's make peace, let's give strife a chance.