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Old Billy from Saint Jo

Old Billy from Saint Jo
0:00 / 3:37

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Old Billy from Saint Jo

[Verse] Old Billy from Saint Jo, he's cranky and he's old, A workin' man through rain or shine, worth his weight in gold, Give 'em a day off and you'd think he's losin' ground, Rather fix that busted tractor than laze around. [Verse 2] His breath stinks of tobacco, and a hint of whiskey too, You'd swear he's chewin' gravel when he gives a holler through, Those old boots are worn and muddy, but they ain't missed a lick, He's up with the rooster's crow, gotta get his farm it’s fix. [Chorus] Old Billy from Saint Jo, workin' sunrise to the moon, Plows the fields and hauls the hay, hummin' him a little tune, Ain't no rest for the wicked, ain't no quittin' for this man, Sweatin' under that sun with every ounce he can. [Verse 3] Young folks watch him, smilin', with stories they'll retell, Of the man who taught 'em grit and grind, raised 'em up so well, He knows the price of sweat and toil, it's etched into his face, But he'd trade a cup of comfort for an honest day's embrace. [Chorus] Old Billy from Saint Jo, workin' sunrise to the moon, Plows the fields and hauls the hay, hummin' him a little tune, Ain't no rest for the wicked, ain't no quittin' for this man, Sweatin' under that sun with every ounce he can. [Bridge] He’ll grumble 'bout the weather and cuss the broken tool, But he'd give his shirt off his back, ain’t nobody's fool, Through the seasons changing, he's the rock that stands so firm, Old Billy's legacy, in Saint Jo, he’ll always be confirmed.