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memories fade, love remains

memories fade, love remains
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memories fade, love remains

[Verse] In a dusty old bar on the edge of town, I sit with my thoughts as the sun goes down. The jukebox plays our favorite song, And I wonder where we went wrong. [Verse 2] Your smile was sweet like apple pie, But you left with nothin' but our last goodbye. We built on dreams, ignored mistakes, Now I’m picking up the heart that breaks. [Chorus] Memories fade, but love remains, Through the joy, the hurt, and the pains. I’ll keep on driving down life's old lane, 'Cause how I respond, defines my name. [Verse 3] Rain taps softly on a window pane, It's a sweet reminder of love and pain. I won't let the past claim my days, But I'll hold its lessons in gentle ways. [Chorus] Memories fade, but love remains, Through the joy, the hurt, and the pains. I’ll keep on driving down life's old lane, 'Cause how I respond, defines my name. [Bridge] Bad times will come, they'll leave just the same, But through all the changes, I cling to your name. I've made my peace with the past's dark shade, And look to the light that love has made.