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Old Man Dave

Old Man Dave
0:00 / 3:27

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Old Man Dave

[Verse] Old Man Dave's been on the scene, a volunteer for years, He's a legend in this small town, but now he's lost his steer. Out of shape and lazy, he can't dodge a rolling bale, But when it comes to fighting fires, you know he’ll never fail. [Verse 2] He drives an old rusted pickup, from nineteen eighty-three, It barely keeps on running, but it’s good enough, you'll see. Cheap as all get out, he saves those dimes and pennies, He'd rather mend a busted hose, than spend it on some fancy. [Chorus] Old Man Dave's our hero, forgetful as can be, Can't work his iPhone well, but he’s family, don't you see? He may be slow and lazy, but he’s always got our back, In this little ol' town, he's the spark in the track. [Verse 3] His fire boots are scuffed up, his helmet’s lost its sheen, But when the siren wails, he's the quickest that you've seen. He might forget the numbers, of whichever street is right, But give him half a chance, and he’ll have the blaze in sight. [Verse 4] His wife's been on him lately, to shed some extra pounds, But Dave just laughs it off, says “round is a shape for clowns!” He loves his coffee black and strong, three sugars sometimes four, In the firehouse kitchen, he’s the first one through the door. [Chorus] Old Man Dave's our hero, forgetful as can be, Can't work his iPhone well, but he’s family, don't you see? He may be slow and lazy, but he’s always got our back, In this little ol' town, he's the spark in the track.