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the ride

the ride
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the ride

Verse 1: I’ve been ridin’ through the years, seen my share of dust and rain, Every story’s got its scars, every trail comes with some pain. The choices that I’ve made, they’re carved deep into my bones, But I’ve learned you don’t rewrite ‘em, you just make ‘em feel like home. Through the valleys and the wastelands, I’ve found my way alone, But the echoes of the past still chase me down this road. Chorus: It’s the miles that teach you, the turns that make you whole, The road is full of lessons, carved into your soul. You’ll bend before you break, but the truth is in the ride, You’ll find yourself in the distance, where the wild winds collide. The road keeps bending, but you hold your head up high, Life’s a journey through the valleys, under the endless sky. Verse 2: The sky’s as wide as my mistakes, but I’ll face ‘em like a man, Through the sweat, the dust, the heavy load, I’ll stand where I still can. I’ve taken hits and made some wrong turns that’ll haunt me ‘til I’m old, But I keep ridin’ forward, even when the trail feels cold. I’ve learned to trust the silence when there’s no clear way to go, ‘Cause even in the quiet, there’s a fire that still burns slow. Chorus: It’s the miles that teach you, the turns that make you whole, The road is full of lessons, carved into your soul. You’ll bend before you break, but the truth is in the ride, You’ll find yourself in the distance, where the wild winds collide. The road keeps bending, but you hold your head up high, Life’s a journey through the valleys, under the endless sky. Bridge: I’ve faced the storms, been knocked around, but I’m still holding tight, Every bruise and scar I’ve earned comes with a lesson in the fight. There’s a light beyond the ridges, and I’ll chase it ‘til I’m through, The road won’t break my spirit, ‘cause there’s more I’ve yet to do. Chorus: It’s the miles that teach you, the turns that make you whole, The road is full of lessons, carved into your soul. You’ll bend before you break, but the truth is in the ride, You’ll find yourself in the distance, where the wild winds collide. The road keeps bending, but you hold your head up high, Life’s a journey through the valleys, under the endless sky. Outro: I’ll ride until the daylight breaks, no matter where I roam, The road will take me far, but it’s her arms that feel like home. The end ain’t mine to know, that’s what only God can see, But I’ll keep ridin’ onward, wherever this life is leading me.