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Social Life on Airplane Mode

Social Life on Airplane Mode
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Social Life on Airplane Mode

[Verse] I got a text at dawn, friends askin' where I've been, But I'm off the radar, turned off them messages again. Phone in my pocket, ain't got no time to roam, My social life’s on airplane mode, just wanna be alone. [Verse 2] Took my dog for a walk, left my iPhone on the shelf, Out there in the sunrise, just me and myself. Got no need for gossip, or who’s wearin' what clothes, Goin' analog, my social life's on airplane mode. [Chorus] I’m off the grid, yeah, I’m layin' low, Disconnected but I’m in the flow. No likes or comments, no text or call code, My social life’s on airplane mode. [Verse 3] Neighbors say I'm crazy, ditchin' all the noise, But this peace and quiet lets me hear my own voice. Fishing by the creek, where the wildflowers grow, I'm a free bird, social life on airplane mode. [Verse 4] Spent the whole weekend underneath the sky, No Wi-Fi signal, just simple, pure and high. From the city to the country, on paths that I chose, Finding myself, social life's on airplane mode. [Bridge] Some folks live for selfies, hashtags, and the cloud, But I find my joys where nature's voice is loud. Connection ain't about the bars or the codes, It’s a deeper feelin', social life's on airplane mode.