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Little Feet Big Dreams (Verse 1) Under the baobab tree, We’d play hide and seek, just you and me. With laughter in the air, our worries melt, In your eyes, the love I felt. (Chorus) Little feet, big dreams, We’re growing up, bursting at the seams. Through the nights, we’ve cried and screamed, But together, we’ll overcome, it seems. (Verse 2) Remember the stories, I’d weave for you? Of brave heroes and skies so blue. We’d talk about the stars, how they shine, Every setback, we’d call it divine. (Chorus) Little feet, big dreams, We’re growing up, bursting at the seams. Through the nights, we’ve cried and screamed, But together, we’ll overcome, it seems. (Bridge) Mental health, it’s a struggle, I know, But we rise like the sun, watch us glow. With every setback, each tear we shed, Hope is the river that flows in our heads. (Verse 3) I see you now, so strong and wise, With your bright spirit, reaching new highs. In this world, we’ll build our own place, Hand in hand, we’ll run this race. (Chorus) Little feet, big dreams, We’re growing up, bursting at the seams. Through the nights, we’ve cried and screamed, But together, we’ll overcome, it seems. (Outro) So here’s to the journey, the love we grow, Through laughter and tears, we’ll take it slow. With little feet and big dreams in our hearts, This is just the beginning, our beautiful start.