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Take Back the Power

Take Back the Power
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Take Back the Power

[Verse] People rise like a tidal wave System bent broken gotta be brave Advocate bill ain’t just words Cyber voices scream loud as birds [Verse 2] Future framed by greed and lies Our children’s dreams crash and die Unite now or all is lost Power back no matter the cost [Chorus] Take the power take it back Corruption fades when we attack Voices raised we break the chains For our kids no more pain [Verse 3] Systems rotting from the core Truth’s the weapon we adore Leaders fall masks ripped away Future’s bright come what may [Bridge] Activate the inner fire For freedom we won't tire Change is now within our grasp Hold it tight don’t let it pass [Chorus] Take the power take it back Corruption fades when we attack Voices raised we break the chains For our kids no more pain