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Rise Above

Rise Above
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Rise Above

[Verse] Broken glass on the pavement, dreams astray Every step forward, feeling the weight of the day Scars on my heart, lessons etched deep in the grey Push through the struggle, fighting to find my own way [Verse 2] In the darkness, friendships shining bright Guiding light in the tunnel, make the path right Fists clenched, we battle long into the night Together we stand, ready to embrace the fight [Chorus] Rise above, with the strength of our tribe Adversity crumbles, with the power of the vibe Through the valleys and peaks, our spirits don't hide United we conquer, with friendship as our guide [Bridge] Growth in the struggle, diamonds in the rough Every fall, a lesson, makes us more tough In this journey, it's friendship that calls our bluff Peering through pain, we find love's enough [Verse 3] Climbing up mountains, the height so steep With true friends, promises made to keep Personal growth, on the path so deep With every tear shed, no promise of sleep [Verse 4] From the ashes rise, like a phoenix in the sky Struggle sharpens, wings spread wide, we fly Hand in hand, together we defy Adversity, conquered, reaching for the high