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A is for Alphabet

A is for Alphabet
0:00 / 2:48

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A is for Alphabet

[Verse] A’s for apple, shiny and red Gobble it up before I head to bed Airplane soaring, up in the sky Zoom through clouds, watch the birds fly [Verse] Ant so tiny, marching in line Work all day, and they never whine Alphabet army, soldier sound off Learn ’em all, never fall off [Chorus] A-B-C, these letters so tight Alphabet rap, we rock it all night From apples to ants, airplane height Learning these letters, it’s pure delight [Verse] B’s for banana, peel and slip Sweet like candy, taste that drip Butterfly dances, colors so bright Bounce around, light as sunlight [Verse] C for cat, stealth on the prowl Purrs and pounces, hear that growl Car zooms past, speed of light Crayon scribbles, colors ignite [Chorus] A-B-C, these letters so tight Alphabet rap, we rock it all night From apples to ants, airplane height Learning these letters, it’s pure delight