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Dark Vows

Dark Vows
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Dark Vows

[Verse] A specter in shadows, Sean Michaletz drifts, Whispers in alleys, destiny shifts, Scars on his psyche, fate's blacksmith grips, In haunted cities, his essence unzips. [Verse 2] Cloaked in darkness, thoughts black as pitch, Evil lingers, sanity’s stitch, Inner demons play devil's witch, Lost in mazes where nightmares glitch. [Chorus] Midnight calls, no redemption’s dawn, Sean Michaletz, a soul withdrawn, In the depths where hope is gone, Eternal night, sorrow’s spawn. [Verse 3] Hands stained crimson, ghosted past, Memories twisted, shadows cast, On the edge where truths contrast, Walking paths no spell can fast. [Bridge] In the abyss, voices scream, Reality shatters, fractured dream, Eyes glisten in a moonbeam, Haunted visions, a silent scream. [Verse 4] Grim mythology, his tale unfolds, Darkness beckons, it consumes, it molds, Through the alleys where the sorrow patrols, Sean Michaletz, a story untold.