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Dance of the Land

Dance of the Land
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Dance of the Land

[Verse] Underneath the moon, we sway, so warm and tender, Feel the heartbeat of the land, my soul, remember, Romance in the air, beneath the Romanian sky, Spin the dance of freedom, hold each other tight. [Verse 2] Golden fields of wheat, they whisper soft and low, Stories of our fathers, from so long ago, The earth beneath our feet, it knows our every name, Dance of the land, it will never be the same. [Chorus] Dance with me, hand in hand, all around Romania, Feel the air, breathe it in, a song of true nostalgia, Grass so green, fields so wide, echoing our love, Underneath the starlit night, we rise above. [Verse 3] In the heart of twilight, you and I are close, Whispers of forever, in this land we chose, As the seasons change, our love remains anew, In the dance of life, together, me and you. [Bridge] Even if the grasses fade, and the fields run dry, In each other’s arms, we'll find the reasons why, Between us, angels sing, nurturing this flame, Dancing through the ages, always in the same. [Chorus] Dance with me, hand in hand, all around Romania, Feel the air, breathe it in, a song of true nostalgia, Grass so green, fields so wide, echoing our love, Underneath the starlit night, we rise above.