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discord diss

discord diss
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discord diss

[Bridge] Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Discord, you’re all about to get fucked I hope Toms ears aren't colourblind too he's gonna want to hear this Oh Sean I just want to give that fat ass a big fucking kiss [Verse] Craigy Craigy caught you lurkin' by the playground What the fuck do you think you're doin' there? Innocent children, you better beware Your sister is, a ride to be fair Listening to this you're probably losing your hair Dont you worry I'll keep Hannah in good wear Might give her my kids to make you fear Writing her a love letter so sincere How can you be such a pedo and a queer [Verse] Craig craig let me be vague Is it true you like them underage? Hannah told me you're a bit of a pedo She even caught you wearing her speedo On CS all you do is lag, hows your mother the filthy ol slag The time you came to ireland i nearly ended my life Shame the plane didn't blow up during your flight [Verse] Moving on to the Cocklens Sad to diss ye since all I want to do is kiss yee Ray so gay always begging for my mickey Shanes so old could be Meskulls father That leather jacket can be burned with a lighter That aftershave doesn't hide the smell of must Everytime you wank all that comes out is dust Ray's biggest fear is a spelling bee Why the fuck are you watching me pee [Verse] Ray and Shane they're such a pain. One is dumb and the other looks like a bum In the shower they have some fun Scrubbing away at each others bums Whos your daddy they love to hum Shane is a hacker and loves the knackers Ray is gay and has a thing for eating hay Touch that sky box and joe will make you suffer you stupid motherfuckers [Verse] Tom loves kids Craig loves kids Friendly looks like he loves kids Why the fuck does everybody love kids Tom so colorblind cant even see that Sean's black Friendly looks like a fucking decaying ballsack Toms twenty four and still acts like a whore Friendlys sister is actually a fucking beure Only good thing about Craig and Friendly are their sisters How about me and Lennie go and be their misters Bradley looks like his fucked up toe Shimmer is such a, fucking hoe Bradleys belly looks like its about to blow Go on Sean shake that ass put on a show Ray and Shane are adopted even ask Joe Shimmer is shorter than Tom's cock How does Seans ass fit under that rock [Verse] Seans a man that knows all about life Tried to end it but failed to send it He failed in life just like with the knife Shimmer makes my world glimmer Shame shes a fucking gold digger Tom is a man with little to no vision Stupid bastard cant even see the colours on the television Friendly is fat his parents decided it was time to kick him out and into his own flat Reinforced with pillars so his weight dont crush the house George your Hands shake so bad every shots a warning Missed the target, shot your teammate now we're mournin So take these bars hold em close or next time its a gun And remember whos boss when its all said and done Joe cock on the mic this is the end