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early moring roads

early moring roads
0:00 / 2:22

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early moring roads

I left a small town at the break of dawn, With a dream and a tear, I was moving on. The city lights called with a neon glow, But my heart stayed back where the wildflowers grow. I’m driving down this long road back home, Through the fields and the pines where I used to roam. I can’t forget those old dirt roads and the stars that shine, Oh, I’m coming back to where this heart of mine Has always belonged, on this long road back home. I’ve seen the world and all its dazzling sights, But the nights were lonely and the days were long fights. There’s a place where the front porch lights shine so bright, And a love that’s been waiting, through the dark and the night. I’m driving down this long road back home, Through the fields and the pines where I used to roam. I can’t forget those old dirt roads and the stars that shine, Oh, I’m coming back to where this heart of mine Has always belonged, on this long road back home. The past is a whisper and the future’s unknown, But there’s peace in the pastures where I used to roam. So I’ll keep on this highway, till I see that old sign, That says “Welcome Home” with a love that’s all mine. I’m driving down this long road back home, Through the fields and the pines where I used to roam. I can’t forget those old dirt roads and the stars that shine, Oh, I’m coming back to where this heart of mine Has always belonged, on this long road back home. Yeah, I’m coming back to where this heart of mine Has always belonged, on this long road back home.