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Together We Stand

Together We Stand
0:00 / 3:17

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Together We Stand

[Verse] In the small town where we grew, hearts were humble, skies were blue, We knew love and hard work were strong, simple lives where we belong. But now we're facing battles, 'gainst a system that won't bend, In this family of ours, together we must stand. [Verse 2] Mama's hands worked to the bone, Daddy's voice a steady tone, They taught us how to live and fight, for what's true and what's right. Now we hear the call to arms, for the dreams our hearts demand, With courage in our souls, together we must stand. [Chorus] Let's get this bill passed, unite our hearts and hands, Against the crooked tides, we'll rise to heal this land. From the mountains to the plains, let our voices make a band, In the name of love and justice, together we must stand. [Verse 3] In the dusty churchyard square, we pledge to always care, For the neighbor, for the friend, for the battles that won't end. Raising banners high and true, for the fight that's overdue, With spirits bright and grand, together we must stand. [Verse 4] Echoes of the courtroom doors, shouting out what's ours is yours, Hand in hand we're one as kin, against the greed that lurks within. Every family's voice will ring, across the wide and glorious land, With faith in heart and hand, together we must stand. [Chorus] Let's get this bill passed, unite our hearts and hands, Against the crooked tides, we'll rise to heal this land. From the mountains to the plains, let our voices make a band, In the name of love and justice, together we must stand.