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Classroom Chaos

Classroom Chaos
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Classroom Chaos

[Verse] Yeah we're here in class today But you all just wanna play Talking loud in every way Causing chaos every day [Verse 2] Books are open but you don't see Lessons flyin' Wild and free Noise is buzzin' Like a bee You and I We disagree [Chorus] Why can't you listen Why won't you learn The world's out there Just take your turn Noise and chatter Bridges burn Silent knowledge What you'll earn [Verse 3] Pencils tapping Feet do dance Lost in phones Eyes in a trance Dreams of freedom Pure romance But here's your future Take a chance [Bridge] Shout it louder Make it clear Time to focus Shift the gear Class is ending It's near But your mind's nowhere near here [Verse 4] Teacher's speaking What's she say Words are wisdom Dense as clay In this moment Choose to stay Build your future Find your way