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we want our food good

we want our food good
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we want our food good

We want our food good final By elliot Farmer why, watch ‘a doing is killing lives You’re killing the bees and harming animals You’re destroying the soil by using harmful spray The meat is toxic for us humans Clean up the soil by having cattle on the land Stop using chemical and start feeding the animals plants Stop putting DTT on fruits to make them look good Those chemical kill bees and birds and the have a life too I don’t care if there’s dents in my apples I just want bees and birds to have a life Who cares if the shops don’t take your food Just bring them to the place that will do! Clean up the soil by having cattle on the land Stop using chemical and start feeding animals plants Stop putting DTT on fruits to make them look good Those chemical kill bees and birds and the have a life too Why do, this it’s so very very wrong What’s the point of ruining the earth We need to change and make our choice’s right! Clean up the soil by having cattle on the land Stop using chemical and start feeding animals plants Stop putting DTT on fruits to make them look good Those chemical kill bees and birds and they have a life too We want our food good! X8 we want it really really really really really really good we want our food good really good