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When You Lay Me Down

When You Lay Me Down
0:00 / 3:49

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When You Lay Me Down

[Verse] The sun sets slow on these hills tonight, Whispers in the pines, the world feels right. I can hear the river sing its tune, As I'm counting stars beneath the moon. [Verse 2] Mama’s rocker creaks on the front porch swing, Memories flutter like birds on wing. Daddy’s old guitar rests by the fire, Each note he played takes me higher. [Chorus] When you lay me down, by the willow tree, Think of the love that set me free. With my hat on my heart and boots by my side, I'll ride that trail, no need to hide. [Verse 3] Grandpa’s tales of a life well-led, Echo through my mind as I grasp my bed. Feel the warmth of love surround me tight, Like a blanket on a cold and lonesome night. [Verse 4] The barn’s old boards sigh in the breeze, Those were the days of endless ease. Hayfields and horses, and the morning sun, Living free 'til the day was done. [Bridge] Heaven’s gate awaits, wide and bright, Where shadows fade into purest light. One last breath, one final song, In peace I'll find where I belong.