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from hallways to home

from hallways to home
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from hallways to home

I remember those days, you in your blue jeans, Sneakin’ late kisses, behind the bleachers, it seems. Underneath the Friday night lights, oh, we were young, With a truck full of dreams, and our favorite songs sung. From hallways to home, we started off slow, With heartbeats racing, just letting it flow. We fell in love in the shadows of school, Now we’re building a life, oh, ain’t that just cool? From hallways to home, our story's been told, With every sweet moment, our hearts turn to gold. I wore your letterman, proud as could be, Swappin’ our secrets at the old oak tree. Dancin’ in the rain, with the smell of fresh grass, With a taste of wild dreams that we thought would last. From hallways to home, we started off slow, With heartbeats racing, just letting it flow. We fell in love in the shadows of school, Now we’re building a life, oh, ain’t that just cool? From hallways to home, our story's been told, With every sweet moment, our hearts turn to gold. Now the pictures are framed, of our first little place, In the kitchen, you laugh, with that smile on your face. As we pour our first coffee, the steam fills the air, I remember your hands, weaving through my hair. With little feet running, through the living room bright, Every moment's a treasure, every day feels just right. From those awkward first dates to these family nights, We built our forever, in soft candlelight. From hallways to home, we started off slow, With heartbeats racing, just letting it flow. We fell in love in the shadows of school, Now we’re building a life, oh, ain’t that just cool? From hallways to home, our story's been told, With every sweet moment, our hearts turn to gold. So let’s raise a glass, to the love that we’ve grown, From the hallways of high school, now we’re finally home. With laughter and love, forever we'll roam, From those hallways to home, I’m so glad you’re my own.