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jalen cole and the moles

jalen cole and the moles
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jalen cole and the moles

[Verse] Jalen Cole lives in a hole, where the sunlight never shows, Down below the green meadows, where the river slowly flows. He's hiding from a pack of moles, who seek to take his soul, In their deep and darkened burrows, they dig and they patrol. [Verse 2] He once roamed free in open skies, with a sparkle in his eye, But moles came creeping in the night, for reasons he can't buy. Now he digs to stay alive, in tunnels cold and damp, With whispers of the mole tribe echoing like a champ. [Chorus] Oh Jalen Cole, down in that hole, the moles are on your trail, In the dirt and in the shadows, you can hear their tiny wails. Hold on tight, don't lose the fight, 'gainst the creatures of the night, For in your heart, you'll find the spark, to stand up to the fright. [Verse 3] He remembers days of sunshine, where the fields were all in bloom, Now the darkness of the night is his everlasting gloom. With every move, they closing in, their teeth, they start to gnaw, The ground shakes underfoot, it's the battle's final draw. [Bridge] In the depth, he finds his strength, an inner spirit bold, He'll face them down, this mole brigade, leave none without a fold. No mole will take his soul away, he's Jalen Cole, you'll see, He'll rise above the earth tonight, to reclaim his destiny. [Chorus] Oh Jalen Cole, down in that hole, the moles are on your trail, In the dirt and in the shadows, you can hear their tiny wails. Hold on tight, don't lose the fight, 'gainst the creatures of the night, For in your heart, you'll find the spark, to stand up to the fright.