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King Duncan Got Put in a Pack

King Duncan Got Put in a Pack
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King Duncan Got Put in a Pack

[Verse] King Duncan got put in a pack, Banquo, yeah he got whacked, Imma keep it a stack, Macduff's family all got slashed. [Verse 2] My mandem did the dash, Came to my crib, quick flash, Lady M, she got the cash, Guilt heavy, need a bath. [Chorus] Blood on the crown, drama unfolds, Revenge in the night, story told, Fate’s dice, we rolled, Power grasp tight, hearts turned cold. [Verse 3] Three witches dropped the curse, Prophecies dark, none could reverse, Ambition burst, Macbeth's thirst, Kingdom in flames, hit 'em where it hurts. [Verse 4] Birnam Wood creeps, soldiers in leaves, Macbeth sees, heart deceives, Battlefield thick, steel cleaves, Legends born, out the sheaves. [Bridge] Ghosts haunt, can’t shake the past, Karma circles, shadows cast, Destiny's grip, holdin' fast, No future in a world so vast.