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Verse 1 (21 bars): Standing on the fringes, looking in Society's reject, branded with sin Different from the rest, it's always been This way, the outcast's tale begins Lonely in a crowd, wearing a grin That doesn't reach the eyes, paper-thin Facade of normality, fighting within Against the urge to run, to give in To the isolation, the constant din Of judgment in my ears, I'm akin To a stranger in my own skin Misunderstood, labeled a has-been Before I ever started, I'm all in On being different, it's not a win But it's who I am, I can't pin Myself to their expectations, I spin In my own orbit, I'm not their kin In spirit or in mind, I begin Each day as an outsider, chagrined By their stares, but I won't give in To their norms, I'm an outcast, it's who I've always been Chorus (10 bars): Outcast, on the edge of their world Outcast, my true self unfurled Outcast, their insults hurled But I stand tall, my flag unfurled Outcast, in their eyes I'm cursed But in my difference, I'm immersed Outcast, may be the worst In their books, but I'm the first To be truly free, dispersed From their chains, an outcast, but not cursed Verse 2 (21 bars): They whisper as I pass, eyes averted Pretending I don't exist, I'm deserted By those who once called me friend, diverted From their paths of normalcy, I'm alerted To my status by their silence, converted To a pariah by their judgment, subverted By their fear of difference, I'm asserted As a threat to their comfort, inserted Into the role of the other, averted Gazes follow me, I'm disconcerted By their reaction, but not deserted By my own sense of self, I'm alerted To the strength in being different, converted To a believer in my own worth, subverted Their attempts to shame me, I'm asserted In my uniqueness, no longer inserted Into their mold, I'm not deserted By my own spirit, I'm alerted To the power of being true, converted To an advocate for the different, subverted Their norm, I'm an outcast, but not deserted (Repeat Chorus) Verse 3 (21 bars): In solitude, I find my strength Embracing the difference, at length I realize it's a gift, the strength Of being unique, the full length Of my potential unfurls, strength Born of adversity, the length Of my journey as an outcast, strength In every step away, the length Of their judgment can't match the strength Of my resolve, I find length In my stride, walking with strength Away from their norm, the length Of my life stretches with strength Before me, I'm free, the length Of their influence wanes, strength Rises within me, the full length Of my spirit unfolds, strength In being true, I find length In authentic living, the strength Of an outcast is the length Of their uniqueness, I'm strong in my difference (Repeat Chorus) Verse 4 (21 bars): Now I see clearly, being an outcast Is not a curse, but a blast Of fresh air in a stagnant past Of conformity, I've amassed