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come from a time of sheep skins and leather bombers when fathers walked in honor hustling for that dollar Afros with fists as picks, and push backs, popping that collar. Summers were hotter! where not having a father wasn't common. families were anchored and times were much darker yet we worked together as a community striving much harder We were united, we protected and respected the neighbor's When we respected each other, especially our creator. When faith was strong, before eating and bed was a time for prayers when Moms wore hats to church and Pops wore suits and gators when sticks and stones were about building up layers. when words weren't a danger, just harmless as they are on paper. sure we made mistakes but break habits of repeated failures a time of a different generation with different behaviors it was in our nature, to fight one on one if someone hate ya. and when it was done, we shook hands once we knew who was greater neighbors returned favors, borrowing milk, sugar and return it later when your day was swung due to 2 broken elevators loaded with groceries was major, 14 flights.......... when children helped out the elderly, even if their strangers back when if men cheated, they were labeled "players". flipping tapes recording Dj red alert to bump it later. when it was cool walking with a Lee jacket, drinking milk out the container carrying a boom box blasting.. .."you caught the vapors". when break dancing was a gift with a list of trouble makers in a land of pay phones but if you were lucky you had a pager wearing buckle belts with our name on em as teenagers. when Coney partied with the homeless, hot chicks and roller skaters. But times were different, back then the music was uplifting now we have demon worshipers and Jesus is forbidden the respects gone, the children don't even listen now words harm those who have different opinions instead of unity were mocking those with different visions the failure of our generation to help the next is the difference Now people turn the eye, walking bye allowing ignorance We had Guardian angels, and Black Panthers as our resistance we went the distance to help victims, and didn't side with politician's if we are going to rise we need to rise together as civilians.