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Birthday Party **Verse 1:** Cold stares, her eyes got nothin' but space, You throwin' lies, dressed in a poker face. Time slips, lonely, like we on our own, Your words don’t match the actions you've shown. **Pre-Chorus:** Puppet master’s out here pullin’ strings tight, You kneel to him, but you know it ain’t right. Sold your soul just to fit in the crowd, Now your so-called friends watch you drownin' out loud. **Chorus:** You’re not invited to my birthday party, Let them pull your strings, it’s all so sorry. Played with emotions, but the truth’s so blurred, Lines I worked hard to fix, you disturbed. Fake smiles, shallow talk, nothin' runs deep, Friendships lost, that’s the price you keep. **Verse 2:** Switchin' sides, you leave real ones divided, Can’t feel connection when the ego’s always guided. You movin’ with the wind, never still, Start a fire then dip, that’s your thrill. Friction heavy, but you ain’t feel the weight, Socio-narcissistic, always temptin' fate. Back to that puppet master when the chips fall, His words cut deep, though they don’t mean nothin' at all. Chasin' validation, like it’ll fill the void, But loyalty crumbles when your pride gets destroyed. **Pre-Chorus:** He’s pullin' strings, and you don’t push back, Lost yourself, tryin’ to follow that act. And the others, man, they all follow suit, But we ain’t blind, we know the truth. **Chorus:** **Verse 3:** Your brother’s gone silent, won’t take your call, Trust eroded, where’d they go? No one’s here at all. People see through you, see you’re poised for a fall, Hanging a generation away from ending it all. Unfaithful to all but your manipulative friend, Loyal to him, but to her you pretend. Talking to girls when you met your wife, Playing the field abroad, while your lies cut like knives **Emotional Hook:** Only regrets I have are the secrets you hold us too, as you fake your way I’m incensed by the dissent you’ve created by not standing up- please leave, don’t stay. **Pre-Chorus:** He’s pullin' strings, and you don’t push back, Lost yourself, tryin’ to follow that act. And the others, man, they all follow suit, But we ain’t blind, we know the truth. **Chorus:** **Bridge:** Pity for the puppet, strings in his hands, This life’s a circus, man, I don’t understand. Watchin' you fall, it’s a damn shame, Laugh, then cry, but we ain't playin' your game.