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It's Just the Cold

It's Just the Cold
0:00 / 2:20

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It's Just the Cold

[Verse] Out in the barnyard, with my boots in the mud, The morning's so frosty, it's chilling my blood. Got the boys all laughing, thinking they're so bold, But I'm just gonna say it, man, it's just the cold. [Verse 2] The cattle are huddled, and the roosters won't crow, Freezing my fingers, can't get 'em to go. Got a date tonight, and I'm feelin' so old, Honey, don't judge me, babe, it's just the cold. [Chorus] I don't have a small penis, it's just the cold, When the temps start dropping, it's outta my control. Laugh all you want, but the truth's been told, I don't have a small penis, it's just the cold. [Verse 3] Winter's a season that a man oughta hate, Makes a guy look foolish on a first date. But when the summer comes, you'll see me unfold, So, darlin', hold your judgment, it's just the cold. [Bridge] Oh, it’s a cruel trick that nature's playin', Turnin' strong men into somethin' they're not sayin'. But trust me, sweetheart, soon you'll behold, The real me ain't small, it's just the cold. [Chorus] I don't have a small penis, it's just the cold, When the temps start dropping, it's outta my control. Laugh all you want, but the truth's been told, I don't have a small penis, it's just the cold.