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My Love for Fishing, Hunting, Nature, and My Wife

My Love for Fishing, Hunting, Nature, and My Wife
0:00 / 2:20

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My Love for Fishing, Hunting, Nature, and My Wife

[Verse] Sunrise creeping, tackle box in hand, Casting out a line, out where the rivers span. A whisper through the trees, nature's lullaby, With every breath I take, I feel so alive. [Verse 2] Camo gear on tight, rifle on my back, Tracking in the forest, following the tracks. Whitetail in my sights, heart begins to race, Man, there's nothing like the thrill of the chase. [Chorus] Fishing, hunting, nature, and my wife, That's the way I love to live my life. Out here in the woods with her by my side, Together we find peace in this country ride. [Verse 3] Campfire glowing, cooking up our catch, Espresso in the percolator, life is quite a match. My baby loves the wild, as much as she loves me, In our little cabin, simple as can be. [Verse 4] Evening falls and we walk hand in hand, Beneath the starlit sky, across this quiet land. Her laughter like the river's song, soothes my weary soul, In her eyes I find a love deeper than I know. [Chorus] Fishing, hunting, nature, and my wife, That's the way I love to live my life. Out here in the woods with her by my side, Together we find peace in this country ride.