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Twin Hearts and Rusty Start

Twin Hearts and Rusty Start
0:00 / 1:30

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Twin Hearts and Rusty Start

[Verse] Jacob and Tom, them twins in the rust trap Met a crew, a wild set, livin' off scraps Cooper, Alec, Competti, Big Bazz Jared and Gus, friends makin' a new path [Verse 2] Rust trap base, pipes singin' a sad hymn Gather 'round the fire, stories growin' from grim In old leather boots, ain't no fancy brim Found family in a world lookin' so dim [Chorus] Cuddlin' under stars, friendships took root Laughter 'n whispers, harmonicas sweet toot In the dark, they seein' somethin' new, absolute Camaraderie strong, in rust traps they salute [Verse 3] Competti's jokes, Alec’s wise old ways Big Bazz's chuckles, keeps the sadness at bay Jared spins tales, Gus hums ‘bout rays In this wrangle-n-coil, they makin' brighter days [Verse 4] Jacob and Tom never knew true essence Till they found it here, in the crew’s presence Under moonlit skies, no pretense Just pure connection, hearts set in resonance [Chorus] Cuddlin' under stars, friendships took root Laughter 'n whispers, harmonicas sweet toot In the dark, they seein' somethin’ new, absolute Camaraderie strong, in rust traps they salute