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**Verse 1:** Cold stares, impaired, her eyes got nothin' but space, You throwin' lies, this time dressed in a poker face. Time slips, lonely, cuz he’s on his own, His words don’t match the intentions he’s outgrown **Pre-Chorus:** And there's that puppet master, loves to control, Our friend bends the knee, it’s taken a toll. Integrity sold, just to play his part, Twisted friendship born out of need from broken hearts . **Chorus:** You’re not invited to my birthday party, Bitch say it to my face, you fucking should be sorry. Ever occur it’s him reaching through you to hurt me? But it doesn’t cut as deep as you think it would, G. How peaceful I sleep away from all hysteria, B. I don’t give a fuck about your pitty parade as you white lie and claim time in your little e shitty brigade. Not to dissuade dude, but I ain’t gonna persuade you. Not gonna nuke you dude, not gonna serenade you. Cuz gee whiz Mother fucker, how the hell do you sleep? Got that sleep numbered, and that’s the price you keep. **Verse 2:** Social mitosis, you got the real ones dividing. Can’t feel connection when the ego’s always guiding. You movin’ with the wind, never still, Start a fire then dip, like it’s some kind of thrill. Friction heavy, but you ain’t feel the weight, Keep sucking that dick bitch the friction’s feeling great. Back to that puppet master when the chips fall, Thinking his words cut deep, but they don’t mean nothin' at all. Chasin' validation, like it’ll fill the void, That kind loyalty crumbles and I’m just flat out annoyed. **Pre-Chorus:** He’s a puppet on strings, stop push play, Integrity’s lost, in the games he portrays. Other friends follow, in their shadow brigade, But we don’t care about those, we aren’t easily swayed. **Chorus:** **Verse 3:** Your brother’s gone silent, won’t take your call, Trust eroded, where’d they go? No one’s here at all. People see through you, see you’re poised for a fall, Hanging a generation away from ending it all. Unfaithful to all but your manipulative friend, Loyal to him, but to her you pretend. Talking to girls when you met your wife, Playing the field abroad, while your lies cut like knives **Emotional Hook:** Only regrets I have are the secrets you hold us too, as you fake your way I’m incensed by the dissent you’ve created by not standing up- please leave, don’t stay. **Pre-Chorus:** He’s pullin' your strings, stop push play, It’s like your grandpas erotic asphyxiation, but gay. And the others, man, they all follow suit, But we ain’t blind, boys, we know the truth. **Chorus:** **Bridge:** Pity for the puppet in the master’s hand, Your little circle jerk is hard to understand. We watch the downfall, grains of sand, Laugh, then cry, but here we stand.