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Green Dreams

Green Dreams
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Green Dreams

[Intro] Blaze up, rise up, lift the haze, In this green maze, we lose days, Jazz flutes, synth loops, tru moods, In these green dreams, we cruise smooth. [Verse] Eyes redder than sunsets, tongues get twisted, Rollin' papers thinner than the stories of a mystic, Herbal kisses, lit like a watt in a light show, Glow bright, flow tight, in the green night's glow. [Chorus] Sticky icky love affair, In the smoke, no despair, Rainbow rhythms in the air, Green dreams, no nightmare. [Verse] Electro-jazz fusion, is this an illusion? Revolution in the mind, reggae beats in confusion, Cannabis cabana, lounging in Havana, Rhymes smooth like Santana, greener than Fanta. [Bridge] Take a puff, no buffs, pure stuff, none rough, Inhale deep, life's sweet in this green puff, Reggae vibes, hip-hop tides, electronica strides, In the jazzy night, we ride wide in green tides. [Verse] Psychedelic beats, marijuan'ah treats, No defeat, just retreats in the green street, Orchestral high, under the moonlit sky, Jazz sax, rap tracks, in this herbal high.