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Immature Loser

Immature Loser
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Immature Loser

[Verse] She think she all grown up Got nothin' to back it up Actin' like she's so tough But she's just a child's bluff [Verse 2] She can't even hold a job Always lookin' for a mob Social queen with no clout Always actin' like she's loud [Chorus] My girl is immature Can't handle what is real A game she always plays But can't seal the deal [Verse 3] Can't finish what she starts Always leavin' broken hearts Talkin' big with empty words Flyin' high like grounded birds [Verse 4] Thinks her life's a movie scene But she's missin' in between Always in the drama flow But got no place to go [Chorus] My girl is immature Can't handle what is real A game she always plays But can't seal the deal