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Happy Birthday, Jeff

Happy Birthday, Jeff
0:00 / 3:35

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Happy Birthday, Jeff

[Verse] Happy birthday, Jeff, you’re the man of the day, An amazing dad, and a hero, they say. Your daughters adore you with love so bright, Married a Tennessee girl, your heart's true delight. [Verse 2] You served with honor, in the good ol' Army green, Defending our freedom, proud and serene. Old Glory waves for you, under the southern sky, You're a veteran strong, we raise our flags high. [Chorus] Here's to Jeff, an American true, With love for Trump, red, white, and blue. A family man with a heart so grand, Happy birthday, Jeff, let’s give him a hand. [Verse 3] From barbecues to fishing, just out on the lake, Life's simple joys, those moments you make. Teaching your daughters the life lessons you know, With a heart full of pride that only grows. [Verse 4] In your Tennessee home, where love lights the nights, Your family gathers, oh what a sight. With every candle blown, a wish from the soul, For more happy years, as the milestones roll. [Bridge] Through the laughter and the tears, you stand tall, In this great nation, you give your all. Beside your Tennessee girl, hand in hand, You’re the rock, you’re the love, the heart of this land.