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Happy Birthday, Dad

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Happy Birthday, Dad
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Happy Birthday, Dad

[Verse] Out in Nebraska, where the fields touch the sky, There's a man named Jeff, and this ain't no lie, An army vet, with a heart so true, He loves the red, white, and blue. [Verse 2] Married a Tennessee girl, sweet as a song, Raised daughters up right where they belong, In a small-town life, full of love and grace, With a smile that'll light up any place. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Jeff, here's to you, An amazing dad who always pulls through, With a heart full of love and a spirit so bold, Your story's one that needs to be told. [Verse 3] From the cornfields of home to foreign lands, You've served with honor, with steady hands, Now back on your soil, you lead with pride, With your family always by your side. [Verse 4] Your daughters adore you, your wife does too, In the heart of Nebraska, they'll always root for you, Watching sunsets, and loving life, In that simple dance of man and wife. [Bridge] From the badges you've earned to the flags you wave, To the principles of freedom that you bravely save, With a heart so big, and a love so grand, Jeff, you're the finest in this heartland.