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My Dog Is Great

My Dog Is Great
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My Dog Is Great

[Verse] Friendliest face in the crowd Greets strangers tail like a whip Eyes softener than a lullaby But his bark will rip [Verse 2] See those teeth on guard When another dog gets close Fearsome growl ain't harmless Chased the postman to the coast [Chorus] Barkin' loud at four-leg foes In the park yeah he's a king No leash can hold his fury tight But with people he's a gentle fling [Verse 3] Snarlin' at shadow and shape Not a single canine friend Caught up in his world of fight But with us his rules can bend [Bridge] He’s a beast in woolen fleece Soft as rain to all but beast Wild heart in a collar tight But he's the family's brightest light [Verse 4] Roamin' streets like a knight Warin' only with his kind Gentle fury fiery might Only we see the tender blind