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Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad
0:00 / 2:24

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Happy Birthday Dad

[Verse] Happy birthday, Jeff, you amazing dad, With your daughters by your side, ain't no day that's bad. An Army vet with pride, for the red, white, and blue, Loves hunting in the woods, it's just what you do. [Verse 2] Living in Nebraska, in love with open skies, Married a Tennessee girl with those Southern eyes. Saluting the flag, standing tall and true, You love this land, and it sure loves you. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Jeff, it's your special day, Raise a glass high, let's shout hip-hip-hooray! From the heartland to the stars above, Here's to you, Jeff, and the life you love. [Verse 3] With your camo and your boots, you hit the trail, Living life large, buddy, you never fail. Donald's got your vote, and you wear it proud, An American hero, you stand out in the crowd. [Verse 4] Got your family's back like you did in the war, Your daughters' biggest fan, they couldn't ask for more. From dawn till dusk, you give it all you've got, Jeff, you’re the real deal, you’re one hell of a shot. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Jeff, it's your special day, Raise a glass high, let's shout hip-hip-hooray! From the heartland to the stars above, Here's to you, Jeff, and the life you love.