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Happy Birthday Dad

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Happy Birthday Dad
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Happy Birthday Dad

[Verse] Down in Nebraska where the cornfields grow, Lives a man named Jeff that everybody knows, Army vet with a heart of gold, Gonna celebrate tonight, stories to be told. [Verse 2] Married a Tennessee girl, sweet as can be, Dad to his daughters, they light up his world, you see, He's got a love for Trump and the good ol' USA, A hunter in the woods, come and watch him play. [Chorus] Hold my beer and watch this, Jeff's the man, no fear, Raise a glass and cheer him loud, his birthday's finally here, To the vet who loves his country, family and his gear, Happy Birthday to Jeff, let's make it loud and clear! [Verse 3] From the rolling hills to the prairie skies, He's got that Southern charm and those piercing eyes, Grew up with a rifle, fishing by the stream, And tonight we're celebrating big, living Jeff’s dream. [Verse 4] He says, "Hold my beer, watch this, y'all," Whether it's a challenge, or a game of ball, He's got that grit, that heart, that steady hand, In the land of the free, he's a proud, strong man. [Chorus] Hold my beer and watch this, Jeff's the man, no fear, Raise a glass and cheer him loud, his birthday's finally here, To the vet who loves his country, family and his gear, Happy Birthday to Jeff, let's make it loud and clear!