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childhood trauma

childhood trauma
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childhood trauma

Raised on broken promises, In a home where love was tough. Now I'm 45, but still can't trust, Scared to let someone close enough. Heartache from the past lingers on, Leaving me feeling lost and alone. Afraid to show my true self, Worried I'll end up on my own. Struggling to break down these walls, That were built up long ago. Yearning for love but don't know how, Childhood trauma's left me cold. Childhood trauma, scars that don't show On the surface, but man, they grow Beneath the skin, in the depths of the mind Leaving innocence far behind Memories like shards of broken glass Cutting deep each time they pass Through thoughts, through dreams, uninvited Childhood trauma, a flame ignited That burns through years, through tears unshed Words unspoken, a child's dread Of what should've been safe, turned threatening Childhood trauma, a shadow lengthening Across the years, across a life Cutting futures like a knife Trust becomes a foreign land When childhood trauma takes command Chorus (12 bars): Childhood trauma, it ain't child's play (Yeah) Its echoes haunt me every day In relationships, in self-esteem Childhood trauma taints the dream Of normalcy, of peace of mind Leaving fear and doubt behind As constant companions on this road Childhood trauma, a heavy load To bear alone, to understand As an adult in no man's land Between the past and healing's light Childhood trauma, an uphill fight Verse 2 (16 bars): Hypervigilance, always on guard Childhood trauma hits hard Making it tough to just relax To trust, to love, to face the facts That what happened wasn't your fault Childhood trauma, it's time to call a halt To self-blame, to shame that clings To the soul like puppet strings Pulling reactions, guiding fears Childhood trauma through the years Shapes responses, builds up walls That protect, but also falls Between you and genuine connection Childhood trauma seeks rejection Before it can be hurt again A cycle playing without end (Repeat Chorus) Verse 3 (16 bars): But here's the thing about this pain It doesn't have to be in vain Childhood trauma can be faced Its power slowly displaced By understanding, by self-care By realizing it's not fair What happened, but you survived Childhood trauma, you've arrived At a place where healing can begin Where the past don't have to win Every battle, every day Childhood trauma fades away As you learn, grow, and recover As you begin to discover The strength that got you through it all Childhood trauma doesn't have to be your all (Repeat Chorus)