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god's creation

god's creation
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god's creation

Verse 1 (Day 1): (🎵 Upbeat, cheerful melody) In the beginning, there was darkness all around, No light to be seen, not a single sound. Then God’s angels got to work, and what did they say? “Let there be light!” and that was the first day! Light in the sky, day and night on display, The first day of creation, hooray, hooray! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 2 (Day 2): On the second day, God’s angels had a plan, They made the sky above, with waters that span. The clouds up high and the oceans down below, The sky stretched wide, what a beautiful show! Blue skies and waters, it’s the second day, God’s world was shaping up in a special way! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 3 (Day 3): On day number three, the angels did command, They gathered the waters and made the dry land. Plants and trees began to grow, Flowers and fruits, they started to show. Mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, The third day was amazing, with grass and trees! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 4 (Day 4): Day four was bright with the sun in the sky, The moon and the stars were shining up high. Daytime for sunshine, nighttime for rest, The sky full of lights, we are truly blessed. The angels made it happen in the blink of an eye, On the fourth day, they lit up the sky! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 5 (Day 5): On day number five, the waters came alive, Fish in the oceans, and birds that would dive. The angels filled the seas and the sky so blue, With creatures that fly and creatures that grew. Fish big and small, birds chirping away, What a wonderful sight on the fifth day! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 6 (Day 6): Day six was busy, the angels weren’t done, They made all the animals under the sun. Lions and tigers, monkeys in trees, Cows in the fields and buzzing bees. Then came Adam and Eve, the very first two, To care for God’s world and see it through. Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 7 (Day 7): On the seventh day, God’s work was complete, The angels took a rest, their task was so sweet. They saw all was good, the earth and the sky, The seventh day was special, time to rest and sigh. God b