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it was very good

it was very good
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it was very good

Verse 1 (Day 1): In the beginning, there was darkness all around, Then God’s angels said, “Let there be light!” and light was found. Day and night appeared, with a bright, shining ray, That’s how it all started on the very first day! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 2 (Days 2 and 3): On the second day, the sky was stretched so high, With waters below and waters up in the sky. On the third day, dry land and plants appeared, Mountains, trees, and flowers—creation cheered! Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 3 (Days 4 and 5): Day four brought the sun, the moon, and the stars, Lighting up the sky, near and far. Day five filled the oceans and sky so blue, With fish swimming deep and birds that flew. Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days! Verse 4 (Days 6 and 7): On day six, the angels made creatures of all kinds, Lions, bears, and people with creative minds. God saw it was very good, just as He planned, On the seventh day, there was rest across the land. Final Chorus: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, God’s angels made the earth and the heavens! From darkness to light, let’s sing and praise, For all God’s work in seven days!