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Hope He Was Worth It

Hope He Was Worth It
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Hope He Was Worth It

[Verse] Caught you down by the river, in the moonlight's gleaming glow, With him holding you close, didn’t think I'd ever know. His truck parked slyly, shadows dancing in the night, Well darlin', now I see why you've been putting up that fight. [Verse 2] You said you're headin' home, guess you lost track of time, Ain’t it funny how you stumble right inside his line. Thought you'd fool me, but I see through all your lies, Now I ain't the one who's left here wiping his eyes. [Chorus] I hope he was the best d*ck you ever had, Hope those stolen moments make you feel so glad. While you're living lies and playing this charade, Remember, girl, the bed you made. [Verse 3] You’ve been sneakin' round, while I've been workin' late, Playing me a fool, thinking I’d take the bait. But I’m sharper than you reckon, catching on pretty fast, Girl, your days of cheating now are in the past. [Verse 4] Tired of your games, so here's my goodbye, You can keep your sneakin’, I'll just spread my wings and fly. Hope his charms keep you warm when you feel that sting, Of the life you could’ve had if you stayed in my ring. [Chorus] I hope he was the best d*ck you ever had, Hope those stolen moments make you feel so glad. While you're living lies and playing this charade, Remember, girl, the bed you made.