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Lost in Chania

Lost in Chania
0:00 / 2:21

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Lost in Chania

[Verse] Streets of Chania, shadows long like fever dreams, Searching meaning, lost youth on cracked-screen schemes, Echoes of the harbor, whispers ancient and grim, Chasing ghosts through alleyways, future looking dim. [Verse 2] Graffiti screams on walls, prophecies of despair, Whirls of old world charm, modernities laid bare, Soul adrift, 'cross cobblestones and silent squares, Eyes scanning horizons, life’s unanswered prayers. [Chorus] Lost souls, Chania nights, where do we now belong? Plethora of questions, answers hiding in the throng, Deep beneath the olive trees, secrets hold on tight, Lost in Chania, searching meaning in the night. [Verse 3] Flickering street lamps, stories untold, unraveling, Young man’s heart heavy, thoughts dark, traveling, Winds off Aegean, blowing restless through the air, Hope’s a fleeting mirage, fighting existential despair. [Verse 4] Ancient stones, timeless tales of love and war, Modern minds in mazes, what’s it all for? Harborside melancholy, dreams tossed to sea, Lost finding self where old meets new history. [Chorus] Lost souls, Chania nights, where do we now belong? Plethora of questions, answers hiding in the throng, Deep beneath the olive trees, secrets hold on tight, Lost in Chania, searching meaning in the night.