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ghost in the sand

ghost in the sand
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ghost in the sand

Hidin' in shadows, a name that haunts the sky, From the mountains to the streets, people wonder why. Preachin' fire, leavin' scars across the land, A ghost in the sand, with blood on his hands. You built your kingdom on the backs of fear, But the day of reckoning’s drawing near. You thought you'd never pay the price, But we’re comin’ for you, won't think twice. Osama, Osama, you can't run forever, You lit the fuse, but we’ll cut that tether. Your empire of terror, built on lies, Now it’s crumblin’ as the eagle flies. Osama, Osama, the end is nigh, From the cave to the flame, you'll meet the sky. You’re just a ghost, a shadow’s fall, The world won't remember you at all. You fed on hate, turned the world insane, But you can’t escape the roar of the pain. From New York streets to desert storm, You’ll face the wrath of those you’ve torn. Justice ain't blind, she’s comin' for you fast, No place to hide, no shadows to cast. Your name, a curse whispered in the wind, But the time has come for you to face your sins. Osama, Osama, you can't run forever, You lit the fuse, but we’ll cut that tether. Your empire of terror, built on lies, Now it’s crumblin’ as the eagle flies. Osama, Osama, the end is nigh, From the cave to the flame, you'll meet the sky. You’re just a ghost, a shadow’s fall, The world won't remember you at all. You thought you'd break us, make us fall, But we rose up, stronger than it all. Your twisted game, your web of hate, Now you're just a target, sealed by fate. (Guitar solo, heavy and raw, symbolizing the intensity of pursuit and justice) (Outro) Now your empire’s dust in the wind, And the world moves on without your sin. You were a ghost, and now you're gone, History’s curse will carry on. Osama, Osama, you can’t hide, Nowhere to run from the rising tide. A shadow fades, as the world turns, And in the ashes, your memory burns.