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Happy Birthday, Dwija

Happy Birthday, Dwija
0:00 / 3:57

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Happy Birthday, Dwija

[Verse] Down in the valley where the wildflowers grow, Where the river winds and the soft winds blow, There's a special day that the angels know, It's the birthday of someone who sets hearts aglow. [Verse 2] The barn is lit with twinkling lights, Friends and family gather to celebrate the night, Dwija's smile shining oh-so-bright, Everything just feels so right. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Dwija, we're singing this tune, With a heart full of love, under the harvest moon, May your dreams be as big as the wide-open sky, And every day be as sweet as this pie. [Verse 3] Grandma's quilt is spread on the ground, Picnic baskets with treats all around, Laughter and joy in every sound, As we dance and spin ‘til the sun goes down. [Bridge] We'll remember this day as the years go by, The love in our hearts never will die, For a friend like you, we'll reach for the sky, Happy birthday, Dwija, our love's flying high. [Verse 4] Fireflies flicker in the cool night air, Songs of joy echo everywhere, In this little moment that we all share, Dwija, know we're always there.