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Sweet Country Breeze

Sweet Country Breeze
0:00 / 1:54

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Sweet Country Breeze

[Verse] In a small town diner on a Sunday afternoon, Grandma's peach pie always makes you swoon, But it's that silent tribute, it ain't all that rude, A juicy fart that somehow smells good. [Verse 2] Old man Jones, he laughs with a grin so wide, Says it’s a gift that can't be denied, Even the dogs come sniffin' right through the woods, That juicy fart that somehow smells good. [Chorus] It's a mystery, a rare delight, A silent wind on a summer's night, A strange wonder in our neighborhood, That juicy fart that somehow smells good. [Verse 3] From the porch swing, folks gather 'round, Swear it’s the best scent in this ol’ town, Kids run by with their ice cream cones, Giggling ’bout that sweet unknown. [Verse 4] The preacher even gave it a sly nod, Said it's a blessing from the Lord God, A heavenly breeze, ain't misunderstood, That juicy fart that somehow smells good. [Bridge] Maybe it's magic, a country quirk, A tender touch from Mother Earth, It keeps us guessing, like it should, That juicy fart that somehow smells good.